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Hello Summer Campers, returning and new! 

Let me start out by saying we hope you are all well and thriving through this season of life. 



Our hearts and concern is with you, our families and campers. We value your commitment to camp and recognize the importance of keeping your kids and families safe, healthy, and active. So we have committed to providing Day Camp for those who need it while following guidelines set by the CDC and OC Health Department. We have spent many hours researching and consulting with different facilities and programs to make sure we follow the proper guidelines set before us. 


So with all that said, YES, camp is happening, but with some major changes and adjustments. 


Please take some time to read through the following information before deciding to register/attend camp. The ONLY way we can make camp happen is if you, our parents, work with us through this time of adjustment. 


The following adjustments will be made until further notice: 

    • Camp hours will be adjusted to allow staff time to sanitize and check counselor health before and after camp.  The new Camp hours will be 7:00am-5:30pm.

    • Campers must be checked in between the hours of 7:00am-9:00am. We cannot accept campers outside of these hours.

    • Parents/guardians will need to minimize contact with camp. In other words, we’ll be moving our
      “sign-in/sign-out” station outside to a central location. We ask that parents only function/communicate from this location as to allow us to continue to keep camp “sanitized”. 

    • We have implemented an online registration system. Each camper must have registration paperwork; once completed, each camper will be issued a barcode that will be used to scan in/out attendance for the day. This will allow us to have minimal contact at our “sign-in/sign-out” table. 

    • We are requesting that parents/guardians inform us of what weeks they will be attending. We will not be able to plan without knowing what numbers to expect.

    • Campers must have their temperatures taken before being admitted to camp.
      They must have a temp lower than 100.4 (according to CDC). Otherwise, we will have to send them back home. 

    • Camp will be wearing masks and gloves depending on activity/proximity.

    • Campers will be frequently taking breaks to wash their hands, while counselors will be sanitizing frequently as well.

    • Lunch will be served to each group of campers, by counselors.

    • Off-campus trips will consist of open and outdoor events until clearance is given to return to indoor activities. Most trips will require wearing masks the duration of the trip. 

    • Our price will stay the same, we will be renting equipment and purchasing games/activities to help fill time for the kids while on campus.

    • Payment for each week of camp is due the first day of the week attended.  If payment is not received we will issue a late payment. If by second morning payment is still not received, we will have to have your camper stay home.  Please help us plan the summer well by letting us know what weeks your camper will be with us.


Please know that our hearts are burdened with the desire to ensure your camper’s health and safety, but also with a deep need to provide them with some light in the midst of this heavy and dark time. We fully recognize how long the campers have been cooped up and want to provide them with fun and happy memories this summer. We will do our best to do this, but ask you for your support and flexibility. While we have always been a fluid and flexible camp, the circumstances we face require us to tighten up and follow more rigid guidelines. We understand it will be a curveball that we must all get used to, but please work with us. Share with us any concerns you have and we’ll do the same. We have taken measures to ensure campus is prepared for the campers: cleaning rooms, stopping gym rentals, purchasing new supplies and reserving the back portion of campus for camp. 


My final thought is this: if you have any access to cleaning supplies, gloves, NEW board games, books, coloring books, games/toys; will you consider donating them to camp? These supplies are hard to find right now and will help us ensure the safety and fun of camp. 


Thank you so much for your patience and faith in our camp. We strongly believe that this is the right move, and look forward to share God’s Word with the campers. We want to show them what it looks like to face a challenge, free from fear.  Again, I encourage you to reach out with questions or concerns:


Mrs. Shadwa (Boctor) Stipkovich

Camp Director

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